To respond to the needs of our customers, employees, and society at large. For this purpose, we developed high technical capacity and an efficient and responsible management model that allow us to maintain sustainable growth committed to our stakeholders.
To be our customers’ first option, offering them, through innovation and the development of new products, high quality solutions within the four main lines of business: foams-equipment, textile, home, and interiors, becoming their strategic partner and responding to current challenges with an eye on the future.
Ethical integrity and professionalism in our internal and external relationships.
Constant improvement of our products and services.
Adhering to and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations.
Meeting our customers’ expectations through the quality of our management and involvement of the entire organization.
Growth, expansion, and efficiency to accompany our clients and provide them with the best product in the constant search of adding value to our partners, stockholders, and other stakeholders.
Our Sustainability Policy implies a deep commitment of the entire organization to provide the best quality in our products and services to our clients. For this purpose, in line with our strategic management, we continuously ensure: the quality of our processes, the health and safety of our employees, concern for the environment, information security and respect for communities and environments.
As part of a permanent process, the implementation of this policy is done through the following commitments:
Commitment to health and safety, to workplace risk prevention and the improvement of working conditions ensuring the health and safety of everyone at work in order to provide a safe and healthy workplace, free of any potential hazards that could harm the health of our employees, contractors, and surrounding community.
Commitment to quality products and meeting our clients’ expectations. Our clients’ satisfaction is a vital, constant and priority goal to establish solid and long-lasting relationships. For this purpose, we establish communication channels that allow us to offer them immediate solutions, promoting direct and permanent contact to identify areas of improvement.
Commitment to the protection and defense of the environment. We are committed to the prevention of pollution and the preservation of the environment, promoting activities and good practices aimed at reducing impact, using material resources in a sustainable way, encouraging energy saving, the use of renewable energy and the reduction of waste generation.
Commitment to innovation and constant improvement, optimizing our productive systems with the progress of theoretical and practical knowledge of these, improving the competitiveness of our products and developing innovations and practices that set us apart, seeking optimal coordination between different functions, as well as maximum efficacy and efficiency in both productive and managerial processes, providing sufficient and appropriate human capacity, resources, and materials.
Commitment to training and integration, supporting development of persons and involving every member of the organization and other stakeholders in the search and fulfillment of goals and objectives.
Commitment to equal opportunities between women and men, promoting gender equality within the entire organization, diversity, conciliation of employees’ work and family lives, as well as encouraging the absence of any type of discrimination by maintaining a fair and equitable work environment.
Commitment to the prevention of sexual harassment, harassment based on gender, moral harassment, violence against LGTBI people and gender-based violence, as these are an affront to dignity, detrimental to the working environment and have undesirable effects on people’s health, morale, confidence and self-esteem.
Commitment to information security, and appropriate protection and processing of personal data, ensuring at all times the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data processed by Grupo Copo.
Legal commitment. Grupo Copo pledges to comply with the applicable requirements, both legal and regulatory, as well as any other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
This Policy establishes the basic principles on Information Security governing the way in which GRUPO COPO manages and protects information in all its companies and functional areas, as well as its communication with stakeholders.
This Policy, and the documentation originating from it, applies to all societies comprising GRUPO COPO and its compliance is the responsibility of its entire human team.
Stakeholders must be aware of and comply with this Policy in accordance with their role when processing information belonging to the company or its clients.
This Policy is in line with and complemented by the other corporative policies and internal procedures of GRUPO COPO.
Basic principles
- For GRUPO COPO, INFORMATION is a very important asset, and it is necessary to guarantee its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
- The Management undertakes to provide the GRUPO COPO team with the necessary means and training to facilitate the implementation of protection measures and security controls.
- It is the responsibility of the entire GRUPO COPO team to protect information and implement and maintain the security controls.
- Information received, produced or disseminated in the Grupo Copo working environment is the property of the company.
- Staff members of GRUPO COPO must maintain confidentiality and make proper use of the information and knowledge generated within the organisation.
- The information, installations, computer equipment and tools made available to staff members of GRUPO COPO must be used exclusively for business purposes and will be subject to internal control by the company. They must be used efficiently and responsibly.
- As a general rule, IT goods acquired by Grupo Copo are the exclusive property of the company and must be returned by its staff members upon termination of their employment relationship.
- Compliance with legal and regulatory commitments and regulations is applicable at all levels and, in the event of non-compliance with this policy, disciplinary measures will be applied in accordance with the applicable offence and sanction regime.
- The duty of confidentiality will remain in force even after the staff member ceases to work for GRUPO COPO and will include the obligation to return any material delivered to them for the performance of their work.
Espumaciones Industriales Roday, S.L. inicia su actividad con la instalación de una planta de espuma de poliuretano en bloque continuo, situada en el municipio de Mos, en el entorno industrial de Vigo (España).
Incursión en la Industria del automóvil
Constitución de Copo Ibérica, primera compañía del Grupo que suministra componentes para la industria del automóvil, en la actividad de moldeo de espuma para el suministro de rellenos de asientos para el vehículo.
Inicio de la actividad industrial en Componentes de Vehículos de Galicia. Fabricación de alfombras conformadas e insonorizadas.
Acuerdo con el Grupo Fehrer y constitución de Copo Fehrer en Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza).
Flexipol, fabricante portugués de espumas en bloque y transformada, se incorpora a Grupo Copo.
Constitución de Copo Fehrer do Brasil, primera compañía de Grupo Copo en el continente americano.
Un grupo de entidades financieras lideradas por Caixanova adquiere el 25% del capital social de Grupo Copo de Inversiones.
Inicio de la actividad de Dujo Copo, primera compañía de Grupo Copo en Cuba. -
Constitución de Copo Thierry Brasil y Copo Thierry Portugal en la actividad de tejidos.
Grupo Copo se reorganiza en cuatro áreas de negocio: Espumas auto, Espumas hogar, Textil y Revestidos.
Las actividades de investigación y desarrollo se escinden de la sociedad holding, Grupo Copo de Inversiones, y se crea el Centro Tecnológico de Grupo Copo. -
Constitución de Dujo CopoFlex en La Habana (Cuba).
Creación de Michel Thierry Ibérica, sociedad en la que participa Grupo Copo. -
Constitución de Copo Fehrer Barcelona.
Constitución de Copo USA Inc., primera compañía de Grupo Copo en Estados Unidos. -
Flexipol asume la totalidad de la fabricación de espuma en bloque de Grupo Copo, en la Península Ibérica.
Venta de los activos de Copo Eagle y Copo USA a Faurecia.
Reestructuración de Copo Fehrer Barcelona.
Sodiga se incorpora al accionariado de Grupo Copo de Inversiones. -
Grupo Copo adquiere el 100% de Copo Textil Portugal y Copo Textil Brasil.
Grupo Copo se hace con el 100% del capital de Copo Fehrer Brasil y Copo Zaragoza.
Reorganización en cinco áreas de negocio: I+D, Espumas-EPP, Bloque, Textil e Interiores
Planta en México en el área textil.
Centro comercial y de diseño textil en Alemania. -
Copo se implanta en Pilsen (República Checa) para la fabricación de EPP’s.
Evolución en miles de €
Promedio total del grupo agregado
(*) Fuente CCAA consolidadas